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Corpus Christi

Corpus Christi 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Grenada

Corpus Christi in Grenada is a public holiday and a time of great activity and celebration.

202519 JunThuCorpus Christi
20264 JunThuCorpus Christi
202727 MayThuCorpus Christi
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Corpus Christi means “body of Christ” in Latin, and the holiday celebrates the belief that the bread of the holy Eucharist becomes the “real” body of Jesus during mass.

In Grenada, there is much going on besides the mass services and religious street parades on Corpus Christi. There are puppet shows, bull fights, huge “music tents”, and all manner of cultural events.

On the day before Corpus Christi, there is a colourful secular parade with characters wearing gigantic papier mache heads. The total festivities continue for a full week.

Previous Years

202430 MayThuCorpus Christi
20238 JunThuCorpus Christi