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Labour Day

Labour Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Curaçao

Labour Day in Curaçao is celebrated every 1 May, as it is in much of the rest of the world. This is a holiday to celebrate the contributions of workers to the economy and society, and also a time to highlight where progress still needs to be made towards fair and safe working conditions.

20251 MayThuLabour Day
20261 MayFriLabour Day
20271 MaySatLabour Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Government offices, banks, and most private businesses shut down on Labour Day, on 1 May, in Curaçao as it is an official public holiday. Many from Europe and countries where Labour Day is on 1 May, may visit Curaçao for the weekend or longer, but on Labour Day itself, there is, ironically, very little going on.

There is a parade in the main city, and you may see a few workers’ rights rallies here and there. People get out for a walk in the fresh air and often get together with family at home. But it’s mostly just a rest day for work-weary labourers in Curaçao. Part of the reason for this is the Dutch heritage of the island since the Dutch tend to “under-celebrate” Labour Day.

You may see people heading to the beaches, however, for swimming and sunbathing. And snorkeling the coral reefs around Curaçao is also popular.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedLabour Day
20231 MayMonLabour Day