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Remembrance Day

Remembrance Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Bermuda

Bermuda celebrates Remembrance Day on 11 November to commemorate the end of World War I with the signing of the Armistice between the Allied and Axis powers.

202511 NovTueRemembrance Day
202611 NovWedRemembrance Day
202711 NovThuRemembrance Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Even though World War I occurred a century ago and no living veterans of that war remain, the utter brutality and staggering death toll of World War I left a permanent mark on the “collective memory” of Bermuda and other British Commonwealth states. Ever since King George V declared the commemoration after the war’s end, it has been kept in Bermuda and in many other locales.

However, the meaning of the day has been expanded over the years. And now, the remembrance service held every year at Victoria Park includes reference to World War II and other wars as well. Following the service, a parade is held.

Previous Years

202411 NovMonRemembrance Day
202311 NovSatRemembrance Day
13 NovMonRemembrance Day Holiday