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Mary Prince Day

Mary Prince Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Bermuda

The Bermudan holiday once called Somers Day has been renamed Mary Prince Day in honour of the great abolitionist leader of Bermuda who was once herself a slave. The holiday occurs on the Friday preceding the first Monday in August each year.

20251 AugFriMary Prince Day
202631 JulFriMary Prince Day
202730 JulFriMary Prince Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

Mary Prince Day takes place on the second day of a two-day Cup Match holiday season in Bermuda. This is a time when the island’s two major cricket teams square off. There are concerts, beach parties, and feasting and merriment all weekend long.

Mary Prince was born in Bermuda as a slave girl but also spent time in the Caribbean Turks and Caicos Islands as a slave. She wrote a book detailing her life experiences as a slave and, in that way, became a major voice and lightning rod for the Abolitionist Movement.

When slavery was finally abolished in Bermuda and throughout the British Empire in 1834, Mary Prince and her 1831 autobiography were a significant part of the reason it happened. She also became an abolitionist leader after her years in slavery had ended.

On Mary Prince Day and throughout Cup Match Weekend, there are many special events. These include the annual “raft up” where rafts and other barely seaworthy boats compete to stay afloat rather than to win a race. And it includes the Bacchanal Run, which is officially a race but is more of a fun jaunt to the park followed by a hose-down on a hot day!

Previous Years

20242 AugFriMary Prince Day
20234 AugFriMary Prince Day