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May Day

May Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Barbados

Barbados observes May Day on the first of every May. This guarantees workers more than just a day off. It gives them a three-day weekend they can use to celebrate with the family and attend Labour Day parades, union gatherings, and other events. Labour Day is one of only 11 days in the year when the Barbados Stock Exchange closes to observe a public holiday.

20251 MayThuMay Day
20261 MayFriMay Day
20271 MaySatMay Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The origins of Labour Day are in the labour rights movement of the 19th and early 20th Centuries. At one time, celebrating this holiday was considered a way to show allegiance to Socialist or even Communist principles. But today, most people in the world and in Barbados celebrate it simply to show support for fair labour practices or to welcome the coming of spring.

In Barbados, workers’ rights issues still need some attention. And they also remind people of the history of slavery that once afflicted many of their ancestors. Exploitation short of slavery must also be opposed, and many labour unions emphasise the need for further reforms on Labour Day.

Previous Years

20241 MayWedMay Day
20231 MayMonMay Day