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Independence Day

Independence Day 2025, 2026 and 2027 in Barbados

In Barbados, each 30 November is Independence Day. It marks the day in 1966 when the island-nation was granted its freedom from the UK. However, Barbados has chosen to remain in the British Commonwealth of nations.

202530 NovSunIndependence Day
1 DecMonIndependence Day Holiday
202630 NovMonIndependence Day
202730 NovTueIndependence Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

The island of Barbados had been a British colony since first settled in 1627, and it was long a centre of the British slave trade and sugarcane-plantation industry. Slavery was outlawed in the British Empire in 1834, but the freed slaves of Barbados and their descendants did not achieve equality until the 1930’s and beyond.

After a wave of elections in the 1950’s in favour of independence, negotiations began, and they culminated in independence being achieved in 1966.

The Independence Day celebrations in Barbados begin with a parade and some special ceremonies. But 30 November is only the culmination of events, for the whole month of November is really “independence month”, full of sports events, fairs, arts and crafts shows, and various patriotic and religious activities.

Previous Years

202430 NovSatIndependence Day
202330 NovThuIndependence Day