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James Ronald Webster Day

James Ronald Webster Day 2025 and 2026 in Anguilla

Every 2 March is James Ronald Webster Day in Anguilla, a day set aside to honour the birthday of the island’s main independence leader.

20252 MarSunJames Ronald Webster Day
3 MarMonJames Ronald Webster Day Holiday
20262 MarMonJames Ronald Webster Day
Please scroll down to end of page for previous years' dates.

James Ronald Webster led the “revolution” that ultimately gained Anguilla its independence. After being colonised by the British during colonial times, Anguilla had long been put under the administration of nearby Antigua. In 1824, it was put under the administration of Saint Kitts instead. Then, a union of Saint Kitts, Nevis, and Anguilla was created and given “internal autonomy” in 1967.

But most of the people of Anguilla did not like being in this new union, seeing it as really nothing more than a continuation of their dependence on Saint Kitts. At this point, J. R. Webster led a revolt on Anguilla which ousted the police and some other officials who hailed from Saint Kitts. Webster then was installed as chairman of the island’s legislative assembly.

Beginning in 2010, the birthday of James Ronald Webster became a national holiday in Anguilla, and it has been heartily observed by the people of the island ever since.

Previous Years

20242 MarSatJames Ronald Webster Day
4 MarMonJames Ronald Webster Day Holiday
20232 MarThuJames Ronald Webster Day